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Sady nářadí

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Kufr na nářadí eMobility XL
2 968,86 € *
Kufr na nářadí XL electric
1 440,47 € *
Kufr na nářadí XXL III
928,46 € *
Sada izolovaných klíčů s ráčnou 1/2"
21díl. vč. kufru
670,92 € *
Sada nástrojů pro servisního technika
smíšená 30díl. v tašce
627,71 € *
Sada izolovaných klíčů s ráčnou 3/8"
21díl. vč. kufru
612,33 € *
Batoh na nářadí mechanic
602,72 € *
Batoh na nářadí electric
602,72 € *
Sada izolovaných klíčů s ráčnou 1/4"
21díl. vč. kufru
555,08 € *
Sada nářadí slimVario® electric
smíšená 32dílná sada vč. funkční tašce
432,16 € *
Sada nástrčných klíčů a bitů 1/4" a 1/2"
60díl. vč. boxu L-Boxx
427,75 € *
Sada nástrojů pro elektromechanika
smíšená, 18díl., vč. tašky na opasek
384,83 € *
Sada nástrojů pro elektromechanika
Smíšená 13díl. v pouzdru na nářadí
353,61 € *
Sada nástavců MicroBit ESD
smíšená 65dílná 4mm C4 vč. boxu
227,21 € *
Sada nástrčných klíčů a bitů 1/4"
41dílná vč. funkèní taška s klipsem na opasek
198,86 € *
Šroubovák a sada nástavců slimVario
Smíšená, 19dílná v pouzdru na nářadí
181,65 € *

Tool kits from Wiha for professional users

As a tradesman, you need many different tools in your day-to-day work. In order to be able to work efficiently and professionally with your equipment, it is essential to put together a well-thought-out set. Of course, this decision-making and purchasing process takes a lot of time and involves a great deal of research. To relieve you of this effort, we have many pre-equipped tool sets on offer. We have carefully put these together based on our experience and in close consultation with users. With a Wiha tool set, you are ideally equipped with the highest quality tools according to the prevailing requirements in your industry. This allows you to work particularly efficiently, especially in mobile applications.

Our tool kits are:

  • Ergonomically designed for health-friendly working
  • of the highest Wiha quality
  • Efficient because they are tailored to specific requirements from everyday working life
  • certified with the VDE GS test mark. All relevant tools used in the vicinity of electrical systems therefore guarantee the highest safety standards.
Tool Cases for professionals

Tool Cases for professionals

Equipped professional tool cases in various sizes for electricians or for mechanical applications. Some also available unequipped.

Tool backpacks for electricians an mechanics

Tool backpacks for electricians an mechanics

Mobile tool backpacks with compact basic equipment for electricians or for mechanical applications.

Tool bags, pouches, folders and more

Tool bags, pouches, folders and more

Equipped, compact tool pouches, folders, roll-up pouches, belt pouches and specific application sets.

Tool sets for electricians

Tool sets for electricians

VDE-certified sets for electrical installations. Countless possible combinations when screwing.

Tool sets for mechanics

Tool sets for mechanics

For installation and mounting work.