Compliance - Conducta responsable en Wiha
Wiha se ha adherido en 2016 al CĆ³digo de Conducta de la Association Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics, AsociaciĆ³n Alemana de GestiĆ³n, Compra y LogĆstica de Materiales, ("AMMPL" en inglĆ©s o "BME" en alemĆ”n), que se fundamenta en los principios bĆ”sicos del Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, en la DeclaraciĆ³n Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas y en los Convenios de la OrganizaciĆ³n Internacional del Trabajo (OIT).
En Wiha, la responsabilidad, el respeto y la integridad son valores centrales en todas las Ć”reas de nuestra empresa. Como empresa que opera a nivel mundial, es especialmente importante para nosotros actuar de acuerdo con estos valores de manera consecuente e integrarlos en nuestro trabajo diario. La Wiha Compliance Guideline y el Wiha BME Code of Conduct constituyen la base para un comportamiento Ć©tico, tanto a nivel interno como en el trato con nuestros socios comerciales. Definen estĆ”ndares de comportamiento claros y brindan orientaciĆ³n a todos los empleados para garantizar que nuestras actividades comerciales cumplan con las leyes aplicables, las normas internacionales y nuestros valores corporativos.
Responsibility towards employees
Wiha is committed to creating a respectful and co-operative working environment based on trust and individual development. We offer fair pay, flexible working arrangements and a safe working environment.
Freedom of association and co-determination
We respect the rights of our employees within the framework of national laws.
Dialogue with employees
Regular information events and annual employee appraisals promote open dialogue and transparent communication within the company.
Working conditions
Occupational health and safety is our top priority. We offer comprehensive health protection and promotion measures that go beyond statutory standards.
Data protection
The protection of personal data is of the utmost importance to Wiha. We strictly adhere to all legal data protection requirements.
Human rights
Wiha respects and protects human dignity and is committed to upholding internationally recognised human rights.
Child and forced labour
Wiha rejects all forms of forced labour and child labour and is committed to complying with international labour standards.
Fighting corruption
Integrity is a core value at Wiha. We fight corruption through strict compliance with legal requirements and internal guidelines and regular awareness training.
Dealing with conflicts of interest
Wiha expects its employees to avoid potential conflicts of interest and to report them transparently.
Anti-competitive behaviour
Wiha supports fair competition and strictly rejects any anti-competitive behaviour.
Equal treatment and anti-discrimination
We promote equal opportunities and actively campaign against discrimination and harassment in any form and sensitise our employees through regular training.
Compliance and training
All employees are obliged to adhere to the compliance guidelines and to take part in annual training courses.
Environment, health and safety
Wiha is actively committed to protecting people and the environment by consistently implementing our environmental policy. This policy covers the health and safety of our employees and customers, the safe handling of hazardous substances, the responsible use of water, the reduction of air pollution, energy consumption and the emission of greenhouse gases as well as sustainable waste management and recycling management. Our overarching goal is to minimise negative environmental impacts and achieve continuous improvements.
Wiha has the following certifications:
ISO 14001: Environmental management system that helps us to systematically reduce our environmental impact and continuously improve our environmental performance.
Download ISO 14001
ISO 50001: (hier bitte link zum Dokument): Energy management system to optimise our energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Download ISO 50001
ISO 9001: (here please link to the document): Quality management system that ensures that our products and processes meet the highest quality standards.
Download ISO 9001
Ethical behaviour, protection of human rights and the environment in our supply chain
To ensure our standards throughout the supply chain, we have introduced a Business Partner Code. This code obliges all our business partners to uphold the values of responsibility, respect and integrity and to comply with all relevant national and international laws. The code covers key topics such as anti-corruption, competitive behaviour, environmental protection and respect for human rights. We expect our business partners to comply with these requirements in order to make a positive contribution to society and the environment. The Business Partner Code, further details on our requirements, the detailed terms and conditions of purchase and a declaration on REACH, RoHS and conflict materials can be found on the Wiha Purchasing page.
Reporting violations and complaints process
Wiha offers a confidential reporting channel for compliance violations that is accessible to both internal employees and external partners such as suppliers and customers. Potential violations of laws or regulations can be reported via We guarantee absolute confidentiality and protect whistleblowers from discrimination and sanctions. Our aim is to resolve problems quickly and drive continuous improvement.
Discrimination and sanctions. Our aim is to resolve problems quickly and drive continuous improvements.
Complaints and reporting process
1) Receipt of the reportThe report is received, for example, via the Wiha whistleblower email account, audits, or via employees and their respective superiors in the company.
Documentation of the receipt
2) Categorisation
Thematic categorisation in the company or supply chain area by the Wiha Compliance Team
Clarification of initial solution approaches
Estimation of the processing time
3) Confirmation of receipt
Information to the complainant about the receipt of the complaint and the expected processing time
4) Clarification of the facts
Clarification by the compliance team and, if applicable, contact persons in the company and within the supply chain for the complaint, including remedy and proposed solution
5) Conflict resolution & implementation
If necessary, cooperative development of a solution in co-operation with the complainant
Implementation of the solution
6) Conclusion, review and impact measurement
Clarification of further complaints or concerns and conclusion of the complaints process
Documentation of the complaints process
Inclusion of the facts of the complaint in the regular monitoring and review processe.
Further information and official complaints office of the European Commission: EU whistleblower communication tool