Wiha Purchasing

Business Partner Code & Compliance

As a globally acting company, maintaining the three attitudes of responsibility, respect and integrity is particularly important to us. As a result, fundamental behavioural guidelines are set out in our internal compliance policy and in this Code of Conduct for Business Partners (hereinafter referred to as the "Wiha Business Partner Code").

Download Wiha Business Partner Code

Wiha Purchasing terms and conditions (Purchasing GTC)

You can find our general terms and conditions in the PDF for Downloading

Download Wiha Purchasing Terms and conditions

REACH & RoHS Statement

Die The company Wiha Werkzeuge GmbH manufactures and deals with products that are products under the chemical law point of view. We buy the products and their raw materials mainly from European suppliers, in some single cases also from non-European suppliers. We, therefore, have to inform our customers according to Art. 33 of the REACH-Regulation, in case that a product supplied from us contains a substance of very high concern (SVHC-material) in a mass concentration of more than 0,1%. The list of SVHC-materials is published on the internet pages of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and is constantly up-dated. In our own interest and in order to ensure a high supply and product security we take these reporting requirements very seriously. We meet the legal requirements according to Art. 33 of the REACH-regulation by: Our European suppliers of raw materials are obliged to inform us without asking and delay if a product they supply contains a SVHC-material with a mass concentration of more than 0,1 %. As soon as we receive such an information from our suppliers we will pass it on to you according to Art. 33 of the REACH-regulation. We will make special arrangements with all non-European suppliers of raw material as they are not obliged to meet the reporting requirements of the REACH-regulation automatically. We ask our non-European suppliers for a written consent that we will be informed immediately, if a product supplied to us surpasses the mass concentration level of 0,1 % of a SVHC-material.

Download DeclarationREACH

Download DeclarationRoHS &/ POP

Download DeclarationKonfliktmaterialien

Download Delivery and Packacking Instructions

Should you have any further questions concerning the implementation of the REACH regulation in our company, please, contact us. compliance@wiha.com

Further information on compliance at Wiha can be found here