
Einfaches Ausdrehen von abgebrochenen Schrauben mit Links- oder Rechtsgewinde

Bohren eines Lochs in die defekte Schraube

Schonendes Entfernen der Schraube ohne Beschädigung des Gewindes

Mit 8 Bohrer und 8 Ausdreher in den Größen von 2 - 10 in einer praktischen Aufbewahrungsbox

Product Description
Product description
When working with battery-powered screwdrivers in particular, screws can be easily damaged and can no longer be extracted. This problem can be resolved with the screw extractor set from Wiha. It contains eight drills and eight screw extractors that allow easy and damage-free extracting of screws with left-hand and right-hand threads. The first step is to drill a hole in the screws using the drills. The second step is to drive the screw extractor with the help of a hammer into the defective screw, which can then be extracted using a ring spanner without damaging the thread.
Product dimensions
270 x 32 x 160 mm (LxWxD)
For thread-conserving removal of damaged or broken-off screws with left-hand or right-hand thread, particularly stripped hex screws.