About Wiha
About Wiha

About Wiha

Wiha is a successful, medium-sized and globally active family business with over 1000 employees worldwide.

Tools that work for you!

Tools that work for you!

Thanks to the high product quality and innovative strength, Wiha is considered one of the leading international manufacturers of premium hand tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, multitools, hammers, L-keys, tool sets, bits, measuring, torque and mechanical tools. 

For 80 years, the Hahn family has managed Wiha with foresight and the courage to change. 
Our tools relate to electrical applications (electricians/e-mobility) or industrial applications (machining/mechanics).

Wilhelm Hahn, Managing Director in the 3rd generation
Generational goal

Generational goal

We are responsible for the professional development of our customers. That's why we make "tools that work for you."

This means that we produce suitable, innovative and reliably functioning system solutions and tools for our customers and thus increase their freedom of action.

In 20 years we will set the standards for our industry

We want to become a role model for our industry through our professional responsibility. We achieve this through our quality products on the one hand and through our exemplary dealings with customers, suppliers and competitors on the other. In twenty years Wiha should be seen as a reference/"institution".

Attitudes at Wiha

Responsibility | Respect | Integrity
We focus on the three attitudes of responsibility, respect and integrity. Attitudes show what you stand for. These three attitudes give us professionalism and reliability.

For us, responsibility means naturally taking responsibility and getting involved with the other person/the matter. We at Wiha are prepared to go the extra mile to promote a project or a person.

For us, respect means being considerate of one another and respecting the free will and freedom of action of every person. By showing mutual consideration we create trust within and outside our organization.

Integrity means paying attention to the common good and not just trying to push through your own interests. Our goal is to always deliver the best possible performance and to occasionally say a professional and justified “no”.